Anglican Resources


Earth & Altar

A Catholic Ressourcement for Anglicans.

The Sacramentalists Podcast

The Sacramentalists is a podcast where the ancient Christian faith is brought to bear on issues prevalent in modern culture. Join us for in-depth discussions on how theology intersects with our daily life.

philorthodox blog

By the Right Rev. Chandler Jones, Bishop Coadjutor of the DEUS APA: This site is dedicated to the traditional Anglican expression of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We profess the orthodox Christian Faith enshrined in the three great Creeds and the Seven Ecumenical Councils of the ancient undivided Church. We celebrate the Seven Sacraments of the historic Church. We cherish and continue the Catholic Revival inaugurated by the Tractarian or Oxford Movement. Universality, Antiquity and Consent.

Project Canterbury

Online home of Anglican texts, with emphasis on classical Anglican documents expressing the Catholic identity of Anglicanism.

Website of the Anglican Province of America

Official website of the APA. Find other continuing Anglican churches, see diocesan news, and read the newest bishop’s epistle.